Thursday, December 6, 2012


An open letter to politicians - profanity included:

Dear Politicians:

Fuck you. You are weasels. No, that gives weasels a bad name. You are worse than weasels. At least weasels admit to being weasels. You actually think you are doing some good in the world. Stop the lies.

Look, politicians are simple: they will say or do what they think will get them elected. Then, once elected, they will say or do what they think will keep them in office. Does anyone actually think differently?

Case in point: Californians passed Proposition 30 that raised taxes so we wouldn't need more cuts to services. Guess what? They are going to cut another $200 million from the courts. Huh? How does that work? So we voted to raise taxes because the politicians said we needed to raise taxes or cut services. Now, they cut services anyway. Jerry Brown is, quite simply, a liar. Liar, liar pants on fucking fire.

Lets think this through a bit. Politicians actually refuse to make marijuana illegal. Yet, we all know people who smoke, regularly. Hell, go to any law school, where most politicians come from. Pot usage is like breathing for most students. No one wants to admit it, but its true.

They fight over gay marriage. Seriously? We can't have two men or two men get married? Why? Who does it hurt? Seriously. If they can live together, have sex, support each other, then why the fuck shouldn't they get married? It is no skin off my back if they want to get married and join those of us who can marry. I mean, really, what is the problem? Its simple: if they support gay marriage, they are afraid they will lose votes. So they do the coward thing instead of the right thing.

The list goes on and on. Politicians try to make abortions as difficult as possible. Look, I love kids. I have adopted 3. I totally understand that if their birth mother had made a different choice, I would not have three amazing boys. But, I also understand I have a penis. I don't grow a person in my body. If someone thinks its the right choice for them, I am not going to stand in their way. I may not agree with it, but I am not going to back away from letting someone else make a decision that they think is right for them.

By the way, don't think these are just liberal views. What is this nonsense with putting so many limits on guns that normal people can barely buy one? I am not sure I could even pass a background check for one these days. I have made a decision not to own a gun. I don't think I need one in my house. Besides, you should see my right. I knocked a guy OUT of a building once. Really. But, I am not going to sit here and tell you that you cannot own a gun. If you think its necessary to protect your family, and you can be responsible, then you should have that right.

Oh, and unions are getting out of control. Lawyers have a union. Did you know that? State lawyers are in a union. What the hell? Since when do lawyers need better working conditions? If you think you do, try getting a real job. And now fast food workers in NYC want to make $15 per hour. Um, that is all union driven. If some guy making my Big Mac is making $15, I can no longer afford that Big Mac. Just ask Hostess how well unions work. There is a time and a place, but this is out of freaking control.

The problem is that politicians want to conform to whatever party they belong to so that they can have a base of voters. Then they take no position on the rest of the issues. Be a man. (Or a woman.) Take a position. And don't avoid it because you don't want to be out of a job. You can find another one. Most of those of us voting for you have had to find real jobs. You can do it too, once you stop pandering to whoever has the bigger check for you - or whoever provides better oral service.

I am so tired of you folks. You give when you can benefit. Then, when you no longer see benefit, you give people the big fat finger. Well, here is my finger to you. FUCK OFF! Man up. Do the right thing.

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