Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yodle law sucks

Devan Callahan called me this morning from Yodle Law. Maybe the dweebs name is Dev-on. Pronounce it slowly. His message was that he had some questions. The entire message:

"Hey Jonathan this is Devan Callahan. I have some questions for you. Please call me at 512 730 4413."

When I hear that message, I think its someone who actually has some questions for me, right? Isn't that what everyone thinks? Apparently, not these douches. These douches think that this is acceptable marketing.

I have had jobs where I was selling crap. I can sell ice to Eskimos. I can sell sand to Egypt. I can sell water to dolphins. I never, ever, ever once left a message that wasn't perfectly clear as to what I was doing. Ever. If the person wants my product, they will call me back. If my product sucks, then they won't call me back. Its that simple.

But, if I spend my time calling some idiot who tells me he has questions and then does not tell me on the voice mail that he is selling something, then I can only come to one conclusion: his product sucks and his company sucks more. (Oh, this is my OPINION!) I mean, seriously, is it that hard to tell me that you are calling from Pieceofcrap Law, er, Yodle Law, and you want to sell me something. After all, if your so good at whatever the hell you think you do, it should be an easy sell.

I simply don't get these folks who have to be deceptive to sell their product or service. I dont like it. I think its lame. I think it tells me more about your product and you then it does about anything else. You are so unsure of your sales skills and your product that you think people will only call you back if you dont tell them where you are calling from.

Guess what Yodle Law? We aren't idiots. If you can't sell us based on telling us who you are, maybe you should go find a different crappy service to sell.

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