Monday, May 4, 2009

5 Annoying People plus a bonus

In watching tv and listening to the radio, I have decided there are some annoying people who have the ability to talk to us everyday. By talk, I mean we have to hear their voices. Not hear their voices like we are hearing voices, but their voices come on the radio or the tv. And you know those voices - you hear it and you immediately cringe.

1. Grant Napear - so maybe most of you don't have your ears hurt from this guy. But those of us who listen to Sports 1140 have the displeasure of hearing his voice on a daily basis. His voice is nasally and annoying. But, even more obnoxious, he is whiny. Very whiny. And his command of the English language makes it sound like he dropped out after the 4th grade. He has that obnoxious New York attitude, which works for people in NY. But once you move to California, you need to lose it because it just comes across as being a moron who can't put together complete sentences. Seriously, I will pay for a course in English for him at the local JC. He clearly needs it. (Oh, and a bit more sports knowledge wouldn't hurt for a guy on a SPORTS TALK RADIO SHOW!)

2. Jack in the Box Taco Commercial Guy - You know, the guy is supposed to be high and asks for 99 tacos for 2 cents. Then the Jack head comes to life and tells him its 2 tacos for 99 cents and the guy says "Oh that is even more." First, are commercials with people getting high still funny? Really? I think those went out of style with Cheech and Chong, but maybe after the White Castle movie. (Speaking of White Castle, I need some White Castle burgers. Feel free to ship them, Mr. White Castle, since they are the best burgers in the world!) Second, dude is just obnoxious. He does a bad imitation of someone getting high. Really, if that is your best, you should stick to like local public access tv.

3. Flo from Progressive - I am sorry, but she isn't funny. She isn't even entertaining. Not even mildly entertaining. She is lame. She is ridiculous. She doesn't have any redeeming value. Heck, the freaking Caveman commercials were better and those are some of my least favorite commercials of all time. Really, Flo, stop being such a moron. I mean, I know insurance companies aren't run by the world's brightest folks (exhibit 1: AIG), but this is just ridiculous.

4. Butt Dialing Chick - "Oh look, it is your butt." No it is not. First, if you are talking to your husband, are you really going to call it his "butt?" Seriously, is tushy next? Are you going to ask him to say hi to his knee really fast? (Try it........right now........yes, say "hi" to your knee really fast.........its funny..........just look at your knee, wave, and say "Hi knee." Then do it faster. It is funny. Get it yet?) Second, people lock their freaking phones. I know there is purse dialing and sometimes people accidentally dial folks, but really, do you think this is funny? It is not. And you are annoying, Ms. Butt Dialing Chick. Your husband should pull a Jon, as in Jon and Kate plus 8. (Yes, he cheated on her, surprised?) No one else is.

5. Anyone in those ridiculous State Farm commercials - Your car is soaped, but not rinsed off? I mean, really, Punk'd has been off tv for a few years. Can we give these commercials a break? It is just not funny. It is ridiculous. And the folks in those ads are morons. It doesn't even come across as somewhat realistic. ARGH!

And, a bonus, although, thankfully, this guy isn't on tv or radio very often - yet.

Bonus: Steve Poizner. Poizner is our Insurance Commissioner in California. He issued a press release yesterday about how people should check to see if their health insurance covers the swine flu. Seriously? You think that a health insurance policy wouldn't cover swine flu? Or, since you are running for Governor in 2010, are you just looking for some publicity? I mean, lets call it what it is: a PR stunt. You want to keep your name in the press. At least admit it, Poizner. Sheesh. Is that asking too much? None of your potential replacements are running around with ridiculous press releases about swine flu.

(Memo to Dave Jones: there is a PR opportunity you missed, and it is not because you are too busy representing your constituents since you announced your candidacy for Insurance Commissioner before the final votes were counted for your assembly job.)

Who else is this obnoxious? Well, the mobile airbrush tanning dude, but only because he wants to come over and tan you. Outcalls only! I need to go shower now.

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