Sunday, January 4, 2009

Supermarket Help

Okay, I get it that the supermarket is a big place. You know, the neighborhood grocery store. I think I give away my East Coast background by calling it a supermarket. But, the term applies: it is a super, or really big, market.

So, some people go to the store and need some help taking their bags to the car. I get that. Grandma needs help. Mom with 2 kids needs help. Heck, mom with 1 kid might need help. The elderly gentleman who uses a cane needs help. I totally understand. My dad used to need help when he went to the store carrying out his bags.

But, the 30 year old guy who has nothing wrong with him can take out his own freaking bags. Really, it is not that hard. I do it all the time. And while this guy is bad, he is not the worst.

The 40 something softball player is the worst. Dude is clearly looking for help for 1 reason - he wants to hit on the 17 year old courtesy clerk. (Ignore for a minute the fact that courtesy clerk is a dumb term, but that is what they call him/her.) Yes, she may be cute. But she is 17. Really, do you need to impress her with your car or your truck or your baseball bat that badly? Do you think she cares? In reality, she just goes back to the store and laughs at you with the other clerks who you have flirted with before.

If you don't need help and just want to flirt with the girls, dont take the help. You are taking someone away from helping grandma. And if you want to flirt, stop. Yuck. Its disgusting!

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