Friday, August 30, 2013

No, the world is not against you

I was going to write something funny. A parody of some dumbass doing some dumbass thing like racing their dumbass POC car up and down the road. Or maybe it was going to be a parody of a mayor who thinks his bleep don't stink. But, alas, someone ticked me off. So here goes.....

Look, not everyone in the world is against you. Not everyone is out to get you. Sometimes, some things just happen. That doesn't mean that people hate you or your (fill in the blank minority issue).

Huh, you ask? I know. That is what I ask. I admit I am not black or brown or yellow or purple. I sit in my office as a white guy who has never been pulled over for DWB. But, I am a short, white, Jewish guy. So, don't tell me I don't know what its like when people make comments or say something dumb or do something dumb. Do you know how many people have said they don't want someone to "Jew them down." So, I have some basis for saying this.

Scheduling an event on Christmas or Easter or Martin Luther King's birthday or Columbus day or fill in the blank day does not mean that people hate Christians or black's or Europeans. You know what it means? It means its 2013 and we should stop worrying so much about this crap.

Yes, I am fully aware that there are events scheduled for Jewish holidays. And you know what? It happens. It doesn't mean anyone has down anything wrong. It means that sometimes in society we have to make choices. Not just me, not just you, but all of us. Look, no one is anti-Jewish for doing things on a Friday night or on Hannukah. They have to look at a schedule and make decisions as to what is best for everyone.

If you don't like it, here are a few suggestions:

1. Get involved. You don't really have a right to complain if you are sitting on your ass just complaining. Get up. Get off the couch. Put down the bon-bons and get involved. Oh wait? You want to go with the "I work" excuse. Sure. Great. I am glad you have a job. So do the other people who are volunteering to put events on, to support your kids, to make sure that fundraisers happen. I don't care that you have a job. I have a job and twice a week I manage to get to the field in time to coach 15 kids, only one of whom is mine!

2. Explain your position without accusing people. Look, you don't like it? Fine. Say something. But don't tell someone they are forcing you to make a decision or forcing your kid to make a decision. I studied economics in college. Economics is the study of decision making. You have to make a decision. What is the most important thing when you have two choices? Maybe you decided that your race/religion/color/creed/sexual orientation is more important. That is your choice and I will defend your right to make that choice. But not everyone is going to agree with you. Some of us are going to choose something different. And that isn't wrong either.

And what do you tell your kid? Look, kid, sometimes in life we have to make decisions. This doesn't mean that Johnny's decision is right or wrong. It means Johnny has to decide what is best for him and he chose X. I am choosing Y. Let me explain to you why.  That is how you raise a kid who can think for himself and won't be a follower.

3. Stop assuming the worst in people. The world would be a much better place if everyone would assume the best in each other instead of the worst. Those kids walking down the street? They may not be thugs, George Zimmerman. The kid who yells out in public may not be a brat, but may have a condition that makes that happen. The guy who decides to stop working may be sick or may have a sick family member. Lets start assuming the best in people, instead of the worst!

There, now I feel bad. Maybe next week I will go mock some douchebag who races his douche car down the street!

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