Sunday, August 28, 2011

Idiot T-shirts

What the heck is up with t-shirt companies? I saw an actual t-shirt today that said "I'm adopted just look at my parents." Is that supposed to be funny? Apparently its made by a group of idiotic morons at a company called David & Goliath. Apparently, Not my cup of tea, Time is money and Sink or swim were all taken as company names because they douche bags couldn't come up with a better name that David & Goliath. I don't know if Immaculate Conception, Virgin Mary, Moses, and Adam and Eve were already taken. I will look into that.

I mean, there are some things you can make fun of. You can make fun of the girl who shakes her ass when she walks. You can make fun of almost any musician or actor who decides to do something dumb. I admit it, I have made fun of Pitbull (dude looks more like a rat terrier) among others. You can make fun of "reality" tv stars - Operation Loser, er, Repo, is always a good target. But as I have said before, there are some things you don't make fun of.

Skin color? Nope. You don't do it. Religion? Only if you want a fight. Sexual orientation? Um, only if you are an unfunny Tracy Morgan. Disabilities? I guess if you are a loser. And birth status? Nope.

Seriously, you think its funny to make adoption jokes? Are you going to make twin jokes too? Or maybe, a better question, are you going to make fun of foster kids? "I'm a foster kid...just look at the number of homes I have lived in." NOT FUNNY! Maybe you can make fun of kids with no parents too? "I have no parents and someone bought me this idiotic shirt." Wait, maybe we make fun of the kids put up for adoption who weren't actually adopted? "My biological mom tried to place me for adoption, but no one wanted a baby born addicted to heroin."

You see, there are some things that should be sacred. I guess in our culture they aren't. And I guess if you have to sell some piece of crap t-shirts that look like they were made by a douche who probably lives at home, then that is fine. By the way, Todd Goldman in Florida, your shirts SUCK ASS. You probably think Jewish jokes would be funny too. After all, its clear you have the sense of humor of a 4 year old who doesn't know right from wrong. I mean, that heat and humidity clearly have screwed up your brain so that you still find kindergarten humor funny. How about you grow up and come up with something funny?

By the way, all of the profits you made from this shirt, Douchebag and Greedy, you should donate to the Dave Thomas Foundation. Maybe do something positive for adoption, which you seem to think is funny. Its not. Its a great way for people who can't have kids to have a family. And its a great way for kids and babies to get a family. I guess you would rather see those kids end up in institutions or dead? Maybe you should think before you make some more idiotic piece of garbage t-shirts. These shirts are so bad you shouldn't even donate them to a 3rd world country. We should burn them all - in your piece of crap family room. Oops, in your parents piece of crap family room.

Now back to your regularly scheduled shows............

1 comment:

The Abandoned Knife said...

You make a very good point. At least sell the retarded shirts and give the proceeds to something worthwhile. I do agree though there are some things that should not be made fun of. Religion being one of the main ones. I have enjoyed reading your posts and will be happy to read the ones to come.