Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday thoughts on remembering those we have lost

Today started out with so much promise. It was a Wednesday like any other. The boys went to school. The baby hung out at home. I had some work to get done. All was good.

Today ended with me being sad. It was a Wednesday unlike others. People died. I guess that happens every Wednesday. Just not every Wednesday that affects me.

A friend called. Someone died. I don't know this person, but they were under 21. A life gone. So much promise. So many opportunities. So much to live for. Gone.

A friend posted on Facebook. Someone died. I don't know this person either. They were under 30. A life gone. So much promise. So many opportunities. So much to live for. Gone.

Bam. Two lives in one day. Just gone. There is no way to explain this. There is no way to make it make sense. I told one of my friends "Take some time to remember the good times. That's the best way to honor him."

Its what I do. I honor my parents. Not every day. There isn't something to do every day. But I have my ways.

I play soccer a lot of Sundays during the year. Everyone knows this. Its Sunday Soccer. Its part of me. It becomes part of us. Each Sunday, before we start, I take a moment to myself and say a few words to my dad. I have done this for 10 years now. Its my time to thank him. Every time I score, I grab a few blades of grass and toss them in the air. 2 years now. Every goal. Every time. Its my way of acknowledging them.

I know its weird. I get it. I have never told anyone this before. But I felt like now was a good time.

You see, when someone dies, a lot of us want to cry and be sad. But, it is those good memories that make the person. Its those times that we want people to remember. I have said it before, and I will say it again, when I die, I don't want a sad funeral. I want a party. If you are sad, you haven't learned from me what I have learned in my three losses: life is way too short to worry about things.

The Serenity Prayer says "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference" 

To me, it should say "God grant me the serenity to understand that life is way too short and I cannot change some things. I am not going to worry about those things. I am going to enjoy the precious years  I have on Earth and worry only about things I can control." 

So, take a minute today, tomorrow, the next day, and find your way of remembering someone who passed away.  

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