Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I am going to write this without a) sounding pompous or b) sounding like a jerk. At least, that is my attempt. If I fail, oh well. I tried. Life's lessons aren't based on succeeding, but based on failing. So here goes............

What the fuck is wrong with people? Why do they expect things that they are not willing to do themselves? Seriously. I don't care what you do for a living. If you want someone to do something for you, you sure as hell better be willing to do it for them. Or, as in this case, if you won't do it for me, why the hell would I do it for you?

Let me give you some background. I was hired on a case. I asked for an extension to file an answer since the client hired me the day the answer was due. A phone call and an email were sent. No response. So I pound out an answer and file it. Fine. I wasn't happy with it, but I had to get it filed. I also served discovery. These are written questions they have to answer. No big deal. Its all information they should have had before they filed the lawsuit. How hard would it be in 5 weeks to copy your file, prepare some answers and send it back? Its not that hard!

So what happens? Today they have the secretary call me. She wants an extension. I ask why. She doesn't know. She was just told to call and ask for one. I tell her that I wasn't given an extension and I am not sure why I should then give them one now. Her response is "I don't know." Fine.

So the attorney calls me. Two lessons here before I tell you the story: 1. Don't piss me off. 2. I am smarter than her. Yes, I am. I know my files. I know my clients. I know what I did. I especially know my files when I am expecting you to call me.

She says they need two weeks. No. Why do they need it? Just because. Why didn't you give me an extension? Well, she didn't know I asked for one. Of course, this was the same excuse she used on a different case with me too. So, two cases and in neither case did she see my emails. Amazing how that works. She admits it was the right email address. She just didn't see them.

Yeah, lesson #3 - don't bullshit a bullshitter. My dad taught me that. She was full of it. She saw them. She was just ignoring me. Fine. I don't care if you ignore me. Just don't be surprised when I come back at you as a jerk.

Look, I can be nice. I would give you the shirt off my back if you needed it. I prefer being nice. But if you screw with me, or you screw with my clients, or you screw with someone who shouldn't be screwed with (the disabled, folks who are down on their luck), then don't be surprised that I can be the biggest prick in the world. I can, and will, make you wish you hadn't met me.

So, she doesn't get her extension simply because she refused to give me one. And now she is going to learn how to try a case with me. She lied to me and now she will pay. Its a lot of work. Its a pain in the ass. I will do everything I can to make sure my client is protected.

The big lesson here: expect to be treated the way you treat people. If you wont' do it for me, I won't do it for you. Promise. 

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