Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Be a man

Okay, so here is what I think. If you are going to call yourself a man, be a man. Don't be a freaking mouse.

I spent yesterday flying to Orange County, driving to a hearing, then turning around and flying back. It was a 14 hour day for all of this "motion denied." Seriously. I had to spend what would have been my dad's 72nd birthday dealing with crap. (Okay, so maybe its odd that I still count his birthdays and he passed away at 63, but its my thing and I do it.)

So this piece of crap down in southern California filed a motion. In his motion, he called me all sorts of names. I was the devil incarnate. I was so bad that I made Jackie Childs look good. I am such a horrible excuse for a person that I made Idi Amin look like a saint. (Look him up.) I am such a jackass that the United Federation of Donkeys should object to my very being.

Fine. Look, you don't like me, I get it. Lots of folks dont. I am a bit abrasive. I am confrontational. I dont put up with bullshit. You call me out, you sure as heck better be wearing Kevlar because I am going to fire back. I totally understand. And I am an aggressive advocate for my clients. I am cordial and friendly, but I do know that I don't handle things like a lot of other folks. So, yes, I tick some folks off.

But if you are going to file a motion with the court and call me every name under the sun and force a hearing, then be a man. Its your right to file a frivolous piece of crap 50+ page motion with NO CITATIONS. Its your right to make yourself look like a loser. I get it.

But show up. Dont send some associate. You have the balls to call me names in a pleading? You sure as hell better have the balls to do it to my face. Otherwise, not only are you a loser, but you are a spineless coward who can't be a man. Are you a man or are you a mouse? Apparently, you are even lower than a mouse. At least a mouse wouldn't call me names and then hide - it would just hide.

I may be a lot of things, but when I have a problem with you, I call you out. Someone took what I thought was a cheap shot at me on an email list. I fired right back. I ruffled some feathers, but I called it like I saw it. He didnt like it. Not my problem. I have sent tweets to Geraldo "Idiot" Rivera and Michael "I like to be called Doctor because I think that makes me sound more important than I really am" Savage calling them out. I have written about radio DJs who talk like they have a mouth full of marbles (yes, you Carmichael Dave) and I have sent text messages to other hosts who can't put together a sentence in proper English. And I would say it to their faces.

If you are going to be a dickweed, at least don't make it worse by being a pussy. Man up and say it to my face. Not only are you a loser now, but you are a spineless, coward, loser. You are the lowest of the low. I have no respect for you. You can now go, I think the expression is, suck it, you scumbag.

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