Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's the deal with Facebook?

I care about this. Trust me. I do. It is important to me. It is deeply important to me. I have been contemplating this for a week. Yes, Alison, a week. It is as important to me as the President of the United States. It is as important as the spray on mobile tan dude who is a perv. Even if some of you doubt me, and you know who you are, this is an issue that is vitally important to this country.

What is it? Facebook. What is the deal with Facebook? Well, it is not really Facebook that I have an issue with. It is Facebook users. Specifically, a few specific types of users. These people should be taken off Facebook for at least 60 days - maybe 60 years. Of course, in 60 days Facebook could be as useless as MySpace, or worse, as AOL. Does anyone really use AOL anymore? Of course, at least AOL still exists. My dad was sure Prodigy would take off. That might be the biggest mistake he made! Anyway, Facebook users who should be banned:

1. The bad profile picture. I don't just mean a bad picture. I mean the picture that says "I think this is an online dating website." Or worse, the picture that says "I think I should be a porn star." You know, the picture that is cropped so you see the face or the chest or the ........ The picture where someone has that coy "Come hither big boy" smile. The picture where the person has that "I want it and I want it now" look. YUCK! Look, I don't really care if you are looking for a date. I don't care if your girlfriend or boyfriend or your eunuch or hermaphrodite doesn't put out. I am not going to either. If you want to put up a picture like that, try Craigslist or the back of your local free weekly or Match.com. Trust me. And that will save us from having to look at it.

2. The quoteaholic. Okay, your Facebook status can be a lot of things: funny, dumb, lame, ridiculous, a statement about what you are doing. But does every status have to be a quote. "To be or not to be." "Love is a battlefield." "Do wa ditty, ditty dum ditty do." "I love you sweatshirt, redhooded, sweatshirt, sham a lam a ding dong." I think I could do a whole blog of quotes. Just quote after quote after quote. But what does that say, other than I know how to use Google? There are something like 21,000,000 websites with famous quotes. So, I can Google and pick them out. (By the way, every quote in here is something I knew without looking up.) Really, it gets old. Stop with the freaking quotes. We don't want them. Maybe a gem once in a while, but not every freaking update. Please?

3. The religious updates. I get that some people are religious. Some people think everything is done by God. I get it. I just read a good book about Liberty University, The Unlikely Disciple. Good book. Go read it. Now. Order it on Amazon. Or email me and ask for my copy. Really. www.kevinroose.com. Anyway, I digress. There is something new. If you want to update your profile with religious quotes, spiritual texts, etc... than go get a page on Myspace for Christians. Yes, it exists. I get it. I take no position on religion. At least not on the blog. It is fine. But its not for everyone and don't put it on your blog everyday. Please? For those of us who may not be as religious as you. Please?

Am I really asking for much? Can we institute a 60 day ban on these things? Please? And can you please update your picture? It doesn't have to be G rated, but how about PG13? Please? I don't want to see any more skin on my friends than absolutely necessary and that is very little!


Unknown said...

Phew, I don't think I'm guilty of any of those. But I guess I won't be putting up that profile pic of me in speedos from Redondo Beach.

pj27 said...

You must have seen my 11 year old nieces trying to look sexy.

Sexy! I didn't know what that meant when I was 11 (but I think we called it "fast.")

Don't any of these young women want to be "pretty" or attractive?"