Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I feel sorry for some people

WARNING: This is going to be filled with profanity.
WARNING 2: You might want to listen to this while you read this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIR9lJclm2I

I feel bad for some people. No, not the poor. Not the homeless. Not the disabled. Not the folks who are down on their luck.

I feel bad for the fucking bastards whose lives are so miserable that they have to spend their entire lives trying to bring down others. What the hell has to be wrong with you to want to spend your entire life trying to bring down other people? Are you such a piece of shit that you don't have anything good to with your life? Can you not be a productive member of society, you cocksucker? Don't we have enough problems in the world? Isn't life hard enough?

Let me back up a second. Just so we are clear, I am a husband and a father. Everything else is so far down the list of what I am that I don't even discuss it. Like the next thing on the list is friend and that comes on page 16, maybe.

And you know what my dad taught me? (Yes, there is a dad theme. It was Father's Day recently. Deal with it.) He taught me that a man, a real man, takes care of his family first. My dad had Parkinson's disease. He was diagnosed at 35. So you know what he did? He overmedicated himself for the next 28 years or so. He did it so he could work and provide for his family. And you know what it got him? A fucking heart attack while in the hospital. Oh yeah, and he didn't survive. Nice, huh?

And now I see what my dad did. He provided for his family. And that is my job. To provide for my family. Always. No matter what. Why? Because I am a father and a husband. Is that clear?

So, if you want to push me, be ready for me to push back. I was talking to someone last week who said it sounded like I had lost a bit. I may have. But it was temporary.

Here is a secret for you: my black belt name is Scorpion. Why? Because a scorpion doesn't attack until provoked. I can be a great friend. I can be there to help you out. But, if you attack, be prepared for me to attack back. And I don't just get a little cut and move on. I go for blood. Lots of it. Like some zombie movie.

So, Bob, or Bobby. or Robert, or whatever the hell your piece of shit name is, be ready. Be prepared. Your life is so fucking pathetic, you are such a pitiful excuse for a person (lets not confuse person with human being - a human being actually has feelings and cares about other people), that your entire life is dedicated to tearing people down.

Really? You have nothing better to do with your life? You are a sad sack of crap. You are a pathetic person. You really should be ashamed and embarrassed. I know if I spent my entire life trying to rip people up, not only would I be ashamed, my parents would be rolling over in their graves.

I really do feel bad for these poor pieces of crap. You really are a waste of oxygen. Good luck. You are going to need it. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who is this POS!? Sounds like my father...yuck