Thursday, April 28, 2011

The R Word

Okay, another rant. People just bug me these days. I don't know why. Maybe I am more sensitive than normal. Maybe its that time of the year. (Oh, don't pretend to be offended by that. Its not offensive.) Maybe I just don't have patience. Maybe people are just dumber than normal.

Let me start with what I posted on my Facebook page last week. There is some douche who has a radio show in Sacramento. He thinks he is funny. And he can be funny. He has an intern and a producer. And by producer I mean a marble-mouthed dweeb who can't complete a sentence in English without sounding like the teacher in Peanuts. Seriously. I don't know how you make a living on the radio if you can't fucking enunciate. (Trying spelling enunciate correctly. Its a bitch. They should put that in the Spelling Bee. It sure wasn't on my speak and spell.) Anyway, these guys apparently make a good living on the radio, better than most of us make. But apparently they think calling people a retard is funny.

Why is it not funny? For the same reason its not funny to call someone a "n***er" or a "sp**" or a "f**" a la Kobe Bryant. Its not funny to make fun of someone for something that they cannot control that differentiates them. Sorry. Its just not. If I were to walk around and start dropping the N word on folks, I would have my ass kicked. And rightfully so. As a matter of fact, I would kick my own ass if I used that word. I would lift my leg and smack myself in my ample rear. And I would deserve it.

But, its worse to call someone a retard. Why? I mean, after all, its just a name, right? With this word, what I shall now call the "r" word, you are making fun of people who, by their very nature, cannot defend themselves. Sorry, most folks who are mentally challenged cannot have an argument with you about why you a worthless piece of crap who should go for a long walk off of a short pier. They don't have the mental capacity for it. Just like some people cannot change their race or nationality, these folks cannot take a pill to fix whatever you think is wrong with them.

So why can I call these dweebs names or make fun of this dickweed's lack of ability to speak clearly? Because you can control being a dumbass. You can control how you speak, unless you have a stutter. You can control the jokes you make about people and what you call them. You can learn not to be panty-waste. And if you think you are so funny and that making these jokes are funny, I would be more than happy to sit down with you and play snaps. Trust me, I will win. There isn't much I can do, but I am pretty good at the insults.

There is a lot that is funny. My ability to sit down and eat chocolate cupcakes is funny. The fact that Baby Got Back was a song, or that it was a hit, is funny. Jokes about JaFatboy Russell are funny. Jokes about Donald Trump's hair are funny. Jerry Seinfeld is funny. Family Guy is freaking hilarious. We can agree on most of this. Jokes about someone not being so smart or having a mental illness just aren't funny. I don't know why people think its funny. Especially those folks who are in a position of being able to use their words to communicate with people.

I just' dont get it. I think we should start a campaign. A campaign to kick the crap out of douches who don't get it. These are just assholes. Sorry. There is no other way to put it.

Back to your regular programming.

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