Monday, January 28, 2013

More WTF is wrong with people

Read this one first:  On second thought, don't. It has some good shit in it though. Pretty funny. And actually made one person think a thought. Is that the definition of thought provoking?

I just need to vent so hold on. I have no idea where this is going to go..........

Why do we insist on separating ourselves out? Did you know that February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month? Is it? Now, do you know what the hell that means? Because I don't and I am Jewish. Oh, and I have several kids with disabilities. I had a sister with one. Some folks say I have a disability. Seriously. My mom used to call it diarrhea of the mouth. I talk so much shit it must come out runny.

Why do Jewish folks with disabilities need a special month? I don't understand. Is being Jewish and having a disability different than being Catholic or Protestant or Muslin or aethist and having a disability? Is it? If it is, tell me how. Please. Really. Tell me how it is different. Because, you know what I think - I think its bullshit.

Having a disability sucks. Having a kid with a disability sucks. Having more than one really sucks. But it doesn't matter if you are black, white, brown or yellow. It still sucks. Hell, it probably sucks even more if you are poor, uneducated or English is not your first language. I get that. I know I am probably more fortunate than most even though some days I feel like we drew the short end of the short sticks.

But you know what would make things easier? If we would stop trying to differentiate ourselves and just have "Awareness Month." Not disability awareness or special needs awareness or anything else. Just fucking awareness. Be aware of others. Think of others. Try to put others first. Why? Because I fucking said so and I am tired of people trying to be different from each other. You know what? You aren't different. You put your pants on one leg at a time just like me. Your shit stinks just like me. You think some people are jackasses, just like me. The difference is I am willing to call them out on it.

Like this. Dear douchebag from soccer yesterday, you are a fucking douchebag who has the athletic ability of a mouse. No, not the mouse that runs in the ball and makes the fucking thing turn over. You have the athletic ability of the mouse that stands in the corner, eating its own dung, and pissing on itself. Its not my fault you have never accomplished anything in your life. But coming in at me with your spikes up from behind is not going to make your miserable life any better. So, please go fuck yourself.

See how easy that is? And if you think I only do it here, come to a soccer game. I did it on the field when it happened and may have been meaner. But I don't care. I am so tired of having to be nice to people because they think they are so special. They aren't.

Now I am going to sit down, eat some fucking ice cream, watch some bad tv and not deal with the jackasses of the world for a while. Tomorrow, I will go back to dealing with them, but I will still push the idea of Awareness month. Because, while no one may follow this crap, I feel the need to continue trying. That shows my level of brilliance!

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